- corresponding member
- член-корреспондент
имя существительное:
член-корреспондент (associate, corresponding member)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.
corresponding member — noun A member living at a distance who communicates with a society without taking part in its administration • • • Main Entry: ↑correspond * * * corresponding member, a member of a society living at a distance, who corresponds with the society on … Useful english dictionary
Corresponding member of a society — Corresponding Cor re*spond ing, a. 1. Answering; conformable; agreeing; suiting; as, corresponding numbers. [1913 Webster] 2. Carrying on intercourse by letters. [1913 Webster] {Corresponding member of a society}, one residing at a distance, who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corresponding member — noun an honorary member of a learned society who has no voice in the society s affairs … English new terms dictionary
corresponding member — Член корреспондент … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Corresponding — Cor re*spond ing, a. 1. Answering; conformable; agreeing; suiting; as, corresponding numbers. [1913 Webster] 2. Carrying on intercourse by letters. [1913 Webster] {Corresponding member of a society}, one residing at a distance, who has been… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
member — n. 1) an active; associate; card carrying; charter (AE), founder (BE); honorary; life; ranking; sustaining member 2) a corresponding member (of the Academy of Sciences) 3) (misc.) to admit new members into an organization * * * [ membə] associate … Combinatory dictionary
corresponding — correspondingly, adv. /kawr euh spon ding, kor /, adj. 1. identical in all essentials or respects: corresponding fingerprints. 2. similar in position, purpose, form, etc.: corresponding officials in two states. 3. associated in a working or other … Universalium
corresponding — cor•re•spond•ing [[t]ˌkɔr əˈspɒn dɪŋ, ˌkɒr [/t]] adj. 1) cvb identical in all essentials or respects: corresponding fingerprints[/ex] 2) cvb similar in position, purpose, form, etc.: corresponding officials in two states[/ex] 3) cvb associated in … From formal English to slang
corresponding — adjective Date: 1579 1. a. having or participating in the same relationship (as kind, degree, position, correspondence, or function) especially with regard to the same or like wholes (as geometric figures or sets) < corresponding parts of similar … New Collegiate Dictionary
Member state of the European Union — Member states of the European Union … Wikipedia
Member State of the European Union — A Member State of the European Union is any one of the twenty seven sovereign nation states that have acceded the European Union (EU) since its de facto inception in 1951 as the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). From an original… … Wikipedia